Sweet As Candy
Send Christmas greetings with our Sweet As Candy arrangement to your loved ones this festive season. The Sweet as Candy arrangement stars edible candy canes, decorative pine cones, ruby red roses, snapdragons and delicate chrysanthemums all arranged using fragrant festive greens all arranged in a glass cylinder by our select florist.
Send Christmas greetings with our Sweet As Candy arrangement to your love ones this festive season. The Sweet as Candy arrangement stars edible candy canes, decorative pine cones, ruby red roses, snapdragons and delicate chrysanthemums all arranged using fragrant festive greens all arranged in a glass cylinder by our select florist.
Possible Substitions | Please note that the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, our florists will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers. |